Марина, добрый день, мне кажется, что в этой строке предпочтительно давать транслитерацию как n=<j>.
M.Panov: "19,7 verse 642
dd n=[j] So Devaud and Žaba (restoration doubtful). Gardiner - dd n=j (GG § 442 P.356,7). Budge, Erman, 1894, S.16* and Sethe do not write the suffix. No sign for suffix is in facsimile by Prisse d'Avennes fils. In facsimile by Jequier after n there is no sign, but there is a small sign at the edge of the page; probably a blot. The proper transcription is dd n<=j>. This line is the longest one on the page, so it is impossible to propose that one more sign has been written there."