Я извиняюсь за поздний ответ, но лучше поздно, чем никогда. В данный момент я пишу монографию CRITICAL ANALYSIS OF J. P. ALLEN’S «THE ANCIENT EGYPTIAN PYRAMID TEXTS», которую надеюсь скоро опубликовать и в которой я разбираю именно этот отрывок:
§§167c, 168c, 169c, 170c, 171c, 172c, 173c, 174c, 175c, 176c, 177c, 178c, 180b, 181c, 182c, 183c, 184d, 185c, 187b, 188d, 189d, 190d, 191d, 192d:
nj nhp.f nj nhp wnjs pnAllen «he will not be taken away and this Unis will not be taken away»
Shmakov «he will not survive (awake ?) should this Unis not survive (awake ?)»
§§167d, 168d, 169d, 170d, 171d, 172d, 173d, 174d, 175d, 176d, 177d, 178d, 180c, 181d, 182d, 183d, 184e, 185d, 187c, 188e, 189e, 190e, 191e, 192e:
nhp.f nhp wnjs pnAllen «he will be taken away should this Unis be taken away»
Shmakov «he will survive (awake ?) should this Unis survive (awake ?)»
In this context
nhp seems to be a verb with the meaning «survive» or «awake (from sleep or death)» suggesting that the root is related to that in the noun
nhpw «morning», cf.
CM JE 51733:
Dd.Tn n.j…
N sDb.k nhp.k anx.k x(p)r.k m wa m [xA]-bA.s«You shall say to me:…N, you will revive, you will survive/awake (
nhp), you will live, you will become one of (the stars) of the Night Sky (lit. [Thousand] of Her ba(s))»
In the current passage it is also used in parallel to the verb
anx (as only these two verbs are used in positive clauses):
anx.f anx wnjs pn nj m(w)t.f nj m(w)t wnjs pn nj sk.f nj sk wnjs pn nj nhp.f nj nhp wnjs pn nhp.f nhp wnjs pn«he will live (and) this Unis will live, he will not die (and) this Unis will not die, he will not perish (and) this Unis will not perish; he will not survive should this Unis not survive: he will survive should this Unis survive»
Таким образом мы (я и TLA) совершенно независимо друг от друга пришли к похожему выводу о значении глагола
2. Кроме того, не совсем понятна ситуация с тем, как нам понимать форму
Dj n.k, поскольку ее можно понять и как императив и как релятивную форму, об этом же пишу в работе:
§§167a, 168a, 169a, 170a, 171a, 172a, 174a, 176a, 177a, 178a:
Dj n.k sDb.f anx.fAllen «whom you have made revive and live»
Shmakov «make him revive and live!»
The reading should probably be
Dj n.k «make for yourself», an imperative, rather than a relative form
Dj.n.k «whom you have made», because the spell is sooner a prayer to the gods to make Unis alive rather than establishing the fact that he has already been made alive.
Думаю it helps.