Друзья, если есть мысли, пишите. Не совсем врубаюсь о чем речь в сем пассаже. Кто чем пишет и пишет ли вообще. Конфьюзд я.
SwA jwaw nj wnt xr.f zS(A) zS(A) wnjs m Dba wr nj zS(A).f js m Dba SrrAllen «Indigent is an heir who has no writing: Unis writes with his big finger; he does not write with his little finger»
Shmakov «Indigent is an heir who has no list: Unis’s list is the great finger; his list is not the little finger»
There is no «his finger» in the original, just
Dba wr «great/big finger» and
Dba Srr «little finger».
m in the passage is probably “
m of predication” – «as». For
zSA «list» spelled with initial complements
z and
S, see Moussa-Altenmüller, Niankhhnum, Tf. 61:
rDt zSA n kAt Hmt nbt «Giving a list of every craft’s product(s)»; Mariette, Mast., C15, p. 139:
rDt zS(A) «Giving the list»; L.D.II:30:
rDj<t> zS(A) r mA «Giving the list for review», ibid:61a:
Dj<t> zSA «Giving the list»; Hassan, Giza III, fig. 69, p. 80: Hassan, Giza IV, fig. 33, p. 72:
Sd(t) zS(A) «reciting the list (or «scroll»)».
There is another way to treat
m in the passage – in the Old Kingdom the verb
zS(A) is used with
m as governing presposition, i. e. we have a collocation
zSA m «write about, record, register, inscribe»:
The mastaba of Kagemni, room V, above the doorway to the room VII:
zSAw pr Dt zSAw m nDt Hr «the scribes of the personal house who write about/register the gift(s)»
PT 303, §467b N:
jw zS(A).n fdw jpw Axw jmjw jwnw jm «The four akhs from Heliopolis have written about (it)»
PT 469, §906f:
zS(A).f m pjpj pn tp anxw «that he may write about/record this Pepi at the head of the living»
The mastaba of Mereruikai (
mrr w(j) kA(.j) «My ka loves me»), Duell, Mereruikai, pl.32:
zSA m fAt bjAw «recording of the weighing of copper»
Bissing, Gem-ni-kai (
gm.n(.j) kA(.j) «I have found my ka»), pl. 11:
zSA m Sd «recording reared fowl»
Bissing, Gem-ni-kai, pl. 19:
zS(A) m mHtjw «recording the fish»
Thus the discussed passage could be read: «Unis writes about the great finger; he does not write about the little finger».