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Previous Next Up Topic Чтение текстов / Вопросы по хрестоматии / J. P. Allen in respond to Timofey Shmakov about jzy jb and PT 308 (hits: 4781)
- By Тимофей Шмаков Date 24/05/2007 21:43
Timofey Shmakov:

m wSd sw r jzy.k
"Don't adress him with respect to your heart becomes light" OR "Don't adress him because of your kindness"

James Peter Allen:

1) Thank you for your observations on PT 308. I have done some research as a result of your email. You are correct that twttj jb does not refer to Horus and Seth. It does not, however, refer to Geb and Nut. Instead, it is a reference to the dual goddesses Mrt/Mrtj, who accompany the sun god in his boat. There is a study on this by W. Guglielmi, Die G?ttin Mr.t (Probleme der ?gyptologie 7; Leiden: Brill, 1991). If there is a second edition of my book I will make this correction and credit you.

2) For 6,2 I translate "Don't question him for the sake of your mind becoming light" (as in your literal translation)--i.e., don't take out your anger on him. I doubt that jb is a determinative in this passage or in the expression twt-jb, since it has a stroke after it.

James P. Allen
Wilbour Professor of Egyptology and Chair
Department of Egyptology and Ancient Western Asian Studies
Brown University, Box 1899
Parent By Марина Date 25/05/2007 14:32
Ну что же, насколько я понимаю, это и есть примерно то, что у меня написано. Только я слово jb никогда не перевожу как "ум/разум" и т.п., потому что подозреваю, что это не одно и то же. В том смысле, что "думать сердцем" и "думать головой" - это разные вещи.
И пояснения я не даю, потому что не уверена в том, что "don't take out your anger on him" - это единственно возможная интерпретация.
Previous Next Up Topic Чтение текстов / Вопросы по хрестоматии / J. P. Allen in respond to Timofey Shmakov about jzy jb and PT 308 (hits: 4781)