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- By Safronov Date 12/07/2008 19:29 Edited 22/05/2010 23:22
Dear collegues, this article was published in Vestnik Drevnej Istorii (Journal of Ancient History) in 2006. To my regret it wasn't translated into other languages (it only has English summary). I'll be glad to discuss all the questions concerning this article. Best regards, Alexandr Safronov

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A.V. Safronov

  The author reconstructs a fragment of the inscription dated with 5th year of Ramses’ III reign (lines 51–52, Fig. 2) and gives his own translation: «The northern hill-countries quivered in their bodies, namely Peleset, Tjeker, [Tursha]. Someone devastated their land, their spirit came to the end». The author points out that the suffix-pronoun of the third person of plural -w could be used in indefinite-personal sentences in the Late Egyptian. The author supports his translation by the Ramses’ III inscription dated with 8th year of this pharao’s reign (lines 34–35; Fig. 4): (As for) foreign land […] their towns were destroyed, devastated at the moment. Their trees and their people became ashes. They asked their hearts: «Where shall we go?» Their chiefs went [….on] their backs to Egypt». In author’s opinion both inscriptions witness about the devastation of the homeland of Peleset, Tjeker and Tursha as a result of the war.
  Then the author examines the Egyptian names of the Sea peoples – Tjeker, Peleset, Tursha. Не criticized A. Rainey’s and E. Edel’s identification of the tribal name Tkrw in Egyptian with Sicules. The author considers the Tjeker as Teukroi inhabitants of Troas that were mentioned in the Greek tradition. As for the Peleset, they are identified with Pelasgoi the initial form of which is reconstructed as *Pelastoi on the base of Hesihius’ gloss (Hesich., 1296). The Tursha are identified as Tursenoi. The author notes interchangeability of Pelasgoi and Tursenoi in the Greek tradition. He believes that this fact points at the close connection between those tribes. It is confirmed by the Egyptian sources which record a joint attack of the Peleset and Tursha on Egypt in the reign of Ramses III (KRI. V. 91:8). On the base of archaic Greek tradition the author places both tribes in the north-west of Asia Minor. The migration of the inhabitants from this region to the Eastern Mediterranean is maintained with the data from Greek tradition about arriving of the population from Troas to Cyprus and Palestine after Trojan war and archeological data as well (so-called Grey Trojan Ware in Cyprus, pithos burials in Troas and Palestine in 13–12 BC). In author’s opinion, the reason which caused Peleset, Tjeker, Tursha to migrate to Syria and Palestine was the war in the north-west of Asia Minor mentioned in Ramses’ inscriptions. According to the author, the Trojan war is the only equivalent to this historical event. The author believes that the unknown enemy who devastated the homeland of those tribes were the Achaeans in Greek tradition.
  At the end of the article the author reconstructed the order of the events in the Aegean and Eastern Mediterranean in the late 13 – the early 12 BC. The destruction of the Mycenaean centres in South Greece at the end of 13 cent. BC caused the Achaean population to leave their homeland for the Eastern Mediterranean. One of the waves of migrating groups was aimed at Troas. The war between the arriving Achaeans and the autochthone population resulted in devastation of the north-west of Asia Minor and migration of the inhabitants of this region to Cyprus, Palestine and Egypt. This war left traces both in Egyptian inscriptions about the devastation of the homeland of Peleset, Tjeker and Tursha and was engraved in Greek memory as the cycles of legends about the great battle for Troy.
Parent - By Марина Date 12/07/2008 20:03
По-моему, у нас нет правила, запрещающего на форуме по-английски писать и зарубежных коллег привлекать :-)
Parent By Ptolemaeus Satrapes Date 02/08/2008 17:56
"В колонии Пенсильвания нет закона, запрещающего кому-либо летать на метле" (ответ основателя Пенсильвании Пенна на предложение массачусетскими попами своих услуг по борьбе с ведьмами, которую они уже вели в Салеме). :-)
Parent By Safronov Date 03/08/2008 10:40
Я, пожалуй, уберу свой постскриптум, а то как-то грустно становится.
Parent - By M.Panov Date 15/07/2008 10:54

а ответ - обсуждение тоже на английском предполагается писать?
Parent - By Safronov Date 17/07/2008 11:59
Ну, это, Максим, как захочешь, мне нужно было, чтобы статью там прочитали, а для внутреннего пользования, думаю, можно и на русском:)
Parent By M.Panov Date 18/07/2008 07:56
Понятно, я то уже прочитал ее давно. У меня пока вопросов нет. Коллеги! Если кто-то захочет выложить свои материалы на иностранном языке, то я могу предоставить желающему добавочную, персональную страницу на hieroglyphica.com.
Parent By Safronov Date 22/09/2009 14:21 Edited 22/09/2009 14:42
Safronov A.V. The date of pLouvre 3136 and the early appearance of the Philistines in Egypt and Palestine. // Transactions of the State Hermitage XLV. St. Peterburg Egyptological Readings 2007 - 2008 in commemoration of Oleg Dmitrievich Berlev on the occasion of his 75th birthday. Papers of the conference. St. Petersburg, 2009, P. 249 - 262 (in Russian with English summary).

Сафронов А.В. Датировка pLouvre 3136 и раннее появление филистимлян в Египте и Палестине. // Труды Государственного Эрмитажа XLV. Петербургские египтологические чтения 2007 - 2008 памяти О.Д. Берлева к 75 летию со дня рождения. Доклады. СПб, 2009. С. 249 - 262.

Full Text Download Link:
Parent By Safronov Date 04/03/2010 14:16 Edited 04/03/2010 14:32
Сафронов А.В. Несуществующий обычай обрезания у греков-ахейцев (значение египетской лексемы qrnt) // Вестник Московского Государственного областного университета. Серия "История и политические науки". M., 2010. С. 107 - 113.

Safronov A.V. Never existed custom of circumcision among the Achaeans (the meaning of Egyptian word qrnt) // Vestnik Moskovskogo Gosudarstvennogo oblastnogo universiteta. "Istoriya i politicheskie nauki" (=Bulletin of Moscow State Regional University. "History and Political Science". M., 2010, № 1, P. 107 - 113.


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